• Best selling products are good designs
• Design should match up with expectation (needs to fulfill)
• Value is added to the uniqueness of a piece
• Ease of use is very important
• Good design aren’t as good as we thing because they are very hard to use
• Old technology good and useful, new is complicated but looks better
Great Design 2
• A lot of things have to be taken into consideration when designing something
• Design only costs once, but it brings in more and more money, with ever product it sells
• Simple things don’t sell better, because more complicated things are needed such as colour types etc.• Artists beauty is irrelevant
• Every product should be produced as cheap as possible
• Design can change lives of humans
Great Design 3
• Design gets you to be the #1 sold product in your category
• Getting every aspect of the design perfect, making a usable product, making the right trade offs between price and functionality, between flexibility and ease of use, between weight and battery life is not 100% necessary to be the best selling product.
• Design has to be state of art• Design has to meet the customer’s needs
• Has a certain flaw
• No one should be able to compete with your design (it should be a must have product)
• Design does not have to be 100% perfect
Headphones I have brought to class
My headphones are a great design. They are something that cannot be made better. They are adjustable in each and every imaginable sort of way. They perfectly fit the customer’s needs; there is nothing that can be improved in the design, quality and comfortableness. Because of the great design these headphones have, they get sold for a lot much more money, than they could be. This is because of the outstanding state of the art design, uniqueness, ease of use and rareness of the headphones, but still give you a lot of flexibility in how they can be used. The design only costs Bang and Olufsen (Headphone Company) once, but with every piece they sell; they get more and more money. This product is still not the leader in its product category because there is no leading headphone company. But, they are praised with an extremely good reputation, which barely any other company is. The only flaw this product is its price; they cost approximately 150 CHF, which is way too much for a pair of headphones.

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